Saragli Recipe: Greek Baklava Rolls

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Saragli Recipe: Greek Baklava Rolls

Recipe by GreekFood
Course: GreekFood


Prep time


Cooking time




Total time




  • For the Filling:
  • 500 g phyllo dough (thawed, if frozen)

  • 300 g walnuts, finely chopped

  • 100 g almonds, finely chopped

  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

  • 1 teaspoon ground clove (optional)

  • 150 g unsalted butter, melted

  • For the Syrup:
  • 500 g sugar

  • 500 ml water

  • 1 tablespoons honey

  • cinnamon stick

  • slices lemon or orange


  • Prepare the Filling
  • Mix the chopped walnuts, almonds, cinnamon, and clove (if using) in a bowl.
  • Assemble the Rolls
  • Carefully lay a sheet of phyllo on a clean work surface.
  • Brush the phyllo sheet lightly with melted butter.
  • Sprinkle a handful of the nut mixture evenly over the sheet.
  • Carefully roll the phyllo into a tight roll.
  • Cut the roll into pieces about 5-6 cm long.
  • Place the rolls seam-side down in a buttered baking tray.
  • Bake
  • Preheat your oven to 160°C (320°F). Bake the baklava rolls for about 40-50 minutes or until they are golden and crisp.
  • Make the Syrup
  • While the baklava is baking, prepare the syrup.
  • In a saucepan, combine sugar, water, honey, cinnamon stick, and lemon/orange slices.
  • Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer for about 5-10 minutes.
  • Remove the cinnamon stick and citrus slices.
  • Finish the Baklava
  • When the baklava is out of the oven, pour the hot syrup over the hot baklava rolls.
  • Let the baklava cool completely to allow the syrup to be absorbed.
  • Serve
  • The baklava rolls are best served at room temperature or slightly warmed.

Recipe Video

What to Serve with Greek Baklava Rolls (Saragli)?

Serving Greek Baklava Rolls (Saragli) is a delightful experience, and pairing them with complementary items can enhance the overall flavor and enjoyment. Here are some suggestions on what to serve with Baklava Rolls:

  1. Beverages:
    • Greek Coffee: A strong, richly flavored Greek coffee pairs wonderfully with the sweetness of baklava.
    • Tea: A cup of black or herbal tea, such as chamomile or mint, can balance the sweetness.
    • Dessert Wines: A sweet dessert wine like Moscato or a Greek Vin Santo complements the rich flavors.
  2. Dairy:
    • Yogurt: A dollop of Greek yogurt on the side can provide a creamy, tangy contrast.
    • Ice Cream: Vanilla or pistachio ice cream pairs well with the nutty, sweet flavors of baklava.
  3. Fresh Fruits:
    • Serve fresh fruits like strawberries, raspberries, or sliced oranges to add a refreshing element.
  4. Nuts and Dried Fruits:
    • A selection of nuts (almonds, pistachios) and dried fruits (apricots, figs) can complement the textures and flavors in baklava.
  5. Cheese:
    • Mild cheeses like ricotta or mascarpone can be a delightful accompaniment, especially if served with honey or fruit.
  6. Whipped Cream:
    • Lightly sweetened whipped cream can add a lovely creamy texture.
  7. Savory Snacks:
    • To balance the sweetness, consider serving some savory Greek appetizers like spanakopita (spinach pie) or olives.
  8. After-Dinner Digestifs:
    • A small glass of anise-flavored ouzo or another digestif can be a nice way to finish the meal.

When serving baklava rolls, it’s usually best to keep the accompaniments simple as the baklava itself is quite rich and flavorful. The key is to choose items that complement the sweetness and nuttiness without overpowering it.


Making Greek Baklava Rolls (Saragli) requires some basic kitchen equipment. Here’s a list of what you’ll need:

  1. Baking Tray:
    • A large baking tray to accommodate the rolls in a single layer. The size may vary depending on how many rolls you’re making.
  2. Pastry Brush:
    • Used for brushing the phyllo sheets with melted butter. A silicone brush works well and is easier to clean.
  3. Sharp Knife:
    • A sharp knife is essential for cutting the phyllo dough and the baklava rolls. A serrated knife can be helpful.
  4. Mixing Bowls:
    • You’ll need at least one mixing bowl for preparing the nut mixture.
  5. Food Processor (Optional):
    • If you have a food processor, it’s great for finely chopping the nuts. However, you can also chop them by hand.
  6. Saucepan:
    • For making the syrup. Choose a saucepan that’s large enough to hold the syrup without boiling over.
  7. Measuring Cups and Spoons:
    • For accurately measuring ingredients like nuts, sugar, water, and spices.
  8. Spatula or Wooden Spoon:
    • For stirring the syrup as it cooks.
  9. Parchment Paper (Optional):
    • Lining your baking tray with parchment paper can make cleanup easier and help prevent the baklava rolls from sticking.
  10. Thermometer (Optional):
    • If you want to be precise with your syrup, a candy thermometer can ensure it reaches the correct temperature.
  11. Kitchen Towel:
    • A damp kitchen towel is handy to cover the phyllo dough when it’s not being used, to prevent it from drying out.
  12. Oven:
    • You’ll need an oven for baking the baklava rolls.

With this equipment, you’ll be well-prepared to make delicious baklava rolls. Each tool plays a part in ensuring the process goes smoothly and the final product turns out perfectly.

Servings, Prep time, Cooking time & Calories

  1. Servings:
    • Typically, a standard recipe yields about 20 rolls. However, this can vary based on the size of your rolls and the size of the phyllo sheets.
  2. Prep Time:
    • 20-30 minutes. This includes the time to chop nuts, prepare the phyllo sheets, and roll the baklava. If you’re new to working with phyllo dough, it might take a bit longer.
  3. Cooking Time:
    • 40-50 minutes for baking. The baklava is usually baked at a moderate temperature (about 160°C or 320°F) until golden brown.
    • 5-10 minutes for the syrup. The syrup is usually prepared while the baklava is baking or can be made ahead.
  4. Calories:
    • Each roll is approximately 250-300 calories. This is an estimate, as the exact calorie count depends on the amount of butter, nuts, and syrup used. For a more precise count, you’d need to calculate based on the specific amounts and types of ingredients in your recipe.